Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Citizens: the euPOLIS Approach

The mission: Innovative euPOLIS urban planning methodology integrates nature-based solutions to enhance the health and wellbeing of citizens in 4 European cities.

AMPHI is a partner of the international euPOLIS project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program. It is coordinated by the National Technical University of Athens NTUA, interconnecting the knowledge and experience of 28 partnering entities from all around the globe, including four European case cities: Piraeus, Belgrade, Lodz, and Gladsaxe Kommune. These cities will pilot the citizen-wise engagement and nature-based solutions of the euPOLIS innovative urban planning methodology, while Bogota, Palermo, Limassol and Trebinje will follow, replicate, and demonstrate the advantages of our innovations through mentoring and coaching.

euPOLIS started in September 2020 and will run for the next 4 years.

For more information about the project:

euPOLIS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program H2020-EU.3.5.2., under grant agreement No 869448.