LIFE Boreal Baltic Coastal Meadow Preservation in Estonia
LIFE00 NAT/EE/007083 Projekt periode: 2001-2004
LIFE00 NAT/EE/007083 Projekt periode: 2001-2004
LIFE02 NAT/DK/008584 Partnere: DK (Sønderjyllands, Ringkøbing, Viborg og Norjyllands amt) Projekt periode: 2001-2005
LIFE99 NAT/DK/006454 Partners: DK (Amphi Consult, Ravn Consult, Vetsjællands, Storstrøms og Fyn amt, Rosenfeldt Gods. Project duration: 1999-2003 The overall objective of the project was to enlarge the minute Danish population of fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) on 7 of the 8 sites it was found on, and to secure the important genetic traits before inbreeding […]
LIFE12 NAT/LT/000965 Projekt periode: 2013-2017